to be coy

to be unwilling to speak


to be coy = ausweichend, schweigsam, verschwiegen, zurückhaltend —— schüchtern, kokett, scheu, verschämt —— Don’t play coy! = Zier dich nicht so!



“For many, the debate over energy policy is beginning to have a familiar feel to it. On one side sit centrist government ministers,… on the other a collection of self-styled straight-talkers who call for a referendum. In the middle sits a prime minister trying to hold his party and leadership together by appearing more COY about the topic than he actually is.”

Alex Dawson - The Sunday Times (15 March 2022)

Did you


- acting shy, uncertain, or unwilling to say much, often in order to increase interest in something by keeping back information about it

- marked by cute, coquettish, or artful playfulness using coy tricks to attract attention

- showing reluctance to make a definite commitment

Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam-Webster


‘Coy’ is an early 14th century word that stems from the Old French coi, meaning “quiet, still, gentle”, and ultimately from the Latin quietus (resting, at rest).

The sense of “being shy” emerged in the late 14th century. The meaning “unwilling to commit” is from the early 1960s.


(1) Someone is coy if they pretend to be shy in a playful manner, often as a form of flirting.

(2) People in the public spotlight can be coy in media appearances in order to avoid public attention or to keep others from obtaining information. A football player might be coy when asked about an injury because he doesn’t want opposing teams to know.

(3) When politicians are coy about something, they only provide vague statements for fear of committing to a position or angering voters.

SYNONYMS for unwilling to give information

secretive, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, evasive, taciturn, COY, close-lipped, tight-lipped, reticent, cryptic, clamlike, cagey, playing cards close one’s chest, buttoned up, laconic, media-shy, hush-hush, tight chops, zipping one’s lips, buttoning one’s lip, mum’s the word, curt, stand-offish

SYNONYMS for shy or modest in a flirtatious way

coquettish, flirtatious, kittenish, teasing, dallying, chucklesome, provocative, seductive, COY, come-hither, cheeky, inviting, enticing, naughty, vampish, demure, come-on, coltish, impish, elfish, puckish, leprechaunish, gamesome, roguish, larkish, elvish, prankish, frolicky, wanton, tricksy, rascally, devilish, pizazzy, scampish, pixie

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

“Job interviewers appreciate openness — don’t be COY about discussing your past mistakes and key learnings.”

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