Golden Hello

a welcome-to-work payment


Golden Hello = eine Geldsumme, die ein Unternehmen jemandem anbietet, um ihn zu überreden, dem Unternehmen beizutreten



“As we are coming out of Covid, retail and hospitality are opening up again. We see Amazon offering GOLDEN HELLOS of £3,000 to people and higher hourly rates. That is a big challenge for us. If we do not address those fundamental issues around pay we will continue to struggle to attract and retain staff.”

Sarah McClinton - to the House of Lords Public Services Committee (9 March 2022)

Did you

Golden Hello
noun phrase

- an informal payment made to a sought-after recruit on signing a contract of employment with a company

- a sum of money that a company offers to a person in order to persuade them to join the company

- a signing bonus offered to executive-level employees as an inducement to join them from a rival company

Dictionary dot com / Cambridge Dictionary / Investopedia

NOTE: In the United States, Golden Hellos are typically offered to high-ranking executives by major corporations and may be valued in the millions of dollars.


- golden age = a period in the past when things were at their best, happiest, or most successful (The European Renaissance was a golden age of art and science)

- golden handcuffs = monetary incentives to stay with the company (The company provided a variety of golden handcuffs to keep its executives happy after the takeover.)

- golden oldie = a form of entertainment, especially a song, that was very popular in the past and is still enjoyed by many people (I love listening to the golden oldies. It takes me back to a simpler time.)

- golden parachute =  large severance package given to an executive who is forced to leave a company (Jim refused to accept the job offer unless the company added a golden parachute clause to his contract.)

- golden ticket = a person, thing, quality, or ability that provides a reliable opportunity for great financial or personal success (Jane’s programming talent is her golden ticket to career success.)

SYNONYMS for bonus

added extra, a little extra (something), appreciation, bounty, carrot, cumshaw, frosting, GOLDEN HELLO, golden parachute, goodwill gesture, goody, gratification, gravy (train), hand-out, helping hand, honorarium, incentive, leg up, perk, perquisite, piece of the action, plum, present, prezzie, reward, salt, signing bonus, slice (of the cake), sweetener, take-home, throw-in, token, tribute, whack

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“The size of a GOLDEN HELLO is directly proportional to the value a company places on a potential manager.”

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