grace period

extra time


grace period = Toleranzperiode, Karenztage, Nachfrist, Gnadenzeit, Zahlungsfrist



“Motorists should be given a five-minute GRACE PERIOD after parking tickets run out, a government committee has suggested.”

BBC News

Did you

grace period
noun phrase

- an amount of extra time that someone is given to pay a bill, finish a project, etc.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


'Grace' has its roots in the Latin gratia, meaning ‘favour‘ or ‘kindness‘. Originally, 'a day of grace' was based on religious beliefs, as this was a time between an offer of divine forgiveness and its acceptance.

The related expressions 'a day’s grace' or 'days of grace', refer to extra time allowed when something must be done. For example, when a payment is due or you have some other type of deadline, you might be given an extension to meet the demand.


- fall from grace = someone is no longer favoured by those in authority (Everyone believed that Miranda would get the position, but I think she’s fallen from grace.)

- saving grace = one good quality of someone’s bad character (Jim is sometimes impatient with colleagues, his saving grace is that he’s sorry afterwards and always apologizes.)

for extra time:

abeyance, adjournment, appeasement, armistice, a state of dormancy, a state of latency, a state of suspension, break, breather, breathing space, breathing spell, caesura, cease-fire, cessation of hostilities, de-escalation, deferment, deferral, delay, discontinuation, dormancy, downtime, extension, forgiveness period, GRACE PERIOD, holdback, holding pattern, in cold storage, interlude, intermission, interregnum, let-up, lull, moratorium, mothballing, on ice, pausation, pause, peace agreement, peace treaty, period of waiting, postponement, procrastination, prorogation, protraction, put-off, putting back, putting off, quiescence, rain check, recess, remission, reprieve, rescheduling, respite, rest, standstill, stay of execution, stoppage, suspended animation, suspension, suspension of hostilities, suspension of proceedings, tabling, taking five, temporarily deferred, temporary cessation, time-out, treaty, truce

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“If I ask nicely, can you give us a one week GRACE PERIOD to settle the invoice?”

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