
expressing surprise or alarm


Yikes! = Ach Du Schande! Du lieber Himmel!



YIKES! Melbourne just had the driest March on record, with the least rainfall in 110 years. It's supposed to signal the end of summer, but this March was abnormally dry.”

Liv Condous - Time Out (9th April 2024)

Did you


- used to express fear or astonishment

- used to show that you are worried, surprised, or shocked

Merriam-Webster / Cambridge Dictionary


“Yikes” appeared in the mid-20th century,… perhaps derived from yoicks, a hunting call used to urge hounds after a fox, which is attested from 1765, and was also used as an exclamation of excitement or triumph.


The fine art of written interjections co-evolved with comic strips throughout the 20th century. The 10 most popular comic strips being:

1. The Yellow Kid (1895)

2. Little Nemo in Slumberland (1905)

3. Flash Gordon (1934)

4. Terry and the Pirates (1934)

5. Superman (1938)

6. Batman (1939)

7. Katzenjammer Kids (1897)

8. Keystone Kops (1912)

9. Peanuts (1950)

10. Garfield (1978)

P.S. If you want a really deep-dive into the “History and Politics of Comics", just drop me a quick line and I’ll send you a 300-page dissertation.


- Bam! = Bumm!

- Bang! = Knall!

- Bloop! = Blubbern!

- Boo! = Buh!

- Boing! = Boing!

- Buzz! = Summen!

- Clang! = Klirren!

- Chomp! = Schmatz!

- Crash! = Krach!

- Ding! = Ding!

- Grrr! = Grrr!

- Hiss! = Zischen!

- Ping! = Ping!

- Pop! = Plopp!

- Pow! = Peng!

- Sizzle! = Zischen!

- Slurp! = Schlürfen!

- Splash! = Platsch!

- Splat! = Splat!

- Swoosh! = Sausen!

- Thud! - Dumpf!

- Tick-tock! - Tick-Tack!

- Twang! = Twang!

- Wham! = Zack!

- Whoosh! = Sausen!

- Wow! = Ach! Mensch! Hui! Oha!

- Yippee! = Juhu!

- Zap! = Zack!

- Zing! = Zing!


Darn it!, Drat(s)! Egads! Fiddlesticks! For goodness sake! Gee whiz! Good grief! Goodness gracious! Golly gee! Gosh darn it! Heavens to Betsy! Holy mackerel! Jeepers creepers! Oh dear! Oh fiddle! Oh for crying out loud! Oh my! Oh shoot! Sugar! Uh oh! Whoops! YIKES!

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“YIKES! My daily newsletter is missing… there seems to be technical difficulties with the mail programme.”

THANKS to Florian for suggesting today’s OWAD.

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On evenings and weekends, I research and write your daily OWAD newsletter together with Helga (my wife and business partner) and our daughter Jennifer. It remains FREE, AD-FREE, and ALIVE thanks to voluntary donations from appreciative readers.

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Bank transfer:
Paul Smith
IBAN: DE75 7316 0000 0002 5477 40

Important: please state as ‘Verwendungszweck’: “OWAD donation” and the email address used to subscribe to OWAD.

Thanks so much,

Paul Smith

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