
flying cheaply


Skiplagging = bedeutet, dass Sie einen Umsteigeflug buchen, der weniger kostet als ein Direktflug, und dann den Anschlussflug nicht nehmen. Auf diese Weise können Sie einen Nonstop-Flug finden, ohne den höheren Preis zu zahlen, der oft mit diesen Tickets verbunden ist



"SKIPLAGGING is a counterintuitive way to book airline tickets to potentially save money, but carries a 'super big risk,' says travel expert.”

Greg Lacurci — CNN (22nd July 2023)

“Airlines have tried to fight the computer whiz who popularized 'SKIPLAGGING' in court. Their lawsuits have been either thrown out or settled.”

Natalie Musumeci — Business Insider (17th July 2023)

Did you

noun & verb

- also referred to as “hidden-city” or “throwaway” ticketing, is the practice of booking a less-expensive flight option with a layover city without planning to fly the entire route. Instead, the stopover is the traveller's intended destination



The practice of skiplagging derives from the website service Skiplagged(dot)com which was started by 20-year-old Aktarer Zaman in 2013.

In November 2014, United Airlines and Orbitz filed a civil lawsuit for $75,000 in lost revenue, claiming that the website violated fare rules. The Orbitz lawsuit was settled out of court, in which Skiplagged agreed not to redirect traffic to Orbitz sites or use Orbitz branding. The United lawsuit was dismissed by the courts on procedural grounds. United did not pursue further legal action. Donors contributed for legal expenses via GoFundMe.


"Passengers on a flight from Bangladesh to London," The Daily Telegraph reported in 1985, "waited for takeoff after all the doors had been closed when a terrible banging on the passenger door could be heard. The crew refused to let the person on as he was too late for the flight. Only after they reluctantly opened it did they discover that it was the pilot."


- for fly

airborne, airplaning, aloft, ascend, aviate, balloon, birdlike, boost, breeze, buoyant, cannonball, climb, cloud-surfing, coast, cruise, dart, descend, dip, dive, dogfight, drift, elevate, flit, float, FLY, flitter, flutter, freefall, glide, go aloft (up), hang glide, helicopter, hover, hurtle, jet, jetpack, kite, launch, leap, levitate, liftoff, maneuver, pilot, plummet, propel, pull up, rocket, skim, skip, skitter, skydive, skyrocket, soar, somersault, spacewalk, spiral, streak, swoop, take off, twirl, twist, typhoon, updraft, vault, whirl, wingsuit, yaw, yo-yo, zoom

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“I wouldn’t recommend SKIPLAGGING — airlines can cancel tickets, deplete loyalty points and miles, and even take passengers to court.”

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