


seminal = bahnbrechend, grundlegend, zukunftsträchtig, einflussreich —— seminal development = zukunftsträchtige Entwicklung —— seminal = Samen-, spermatisch



A SEMINAL study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology is often cited as showing habits take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form, with an average of about 66 days."

Ashleigh E. Smith — CNN (16th April 2023)

“Fellow author Claudia Roden came to fame alongside Jaffrey, when Judith Jones published her SEMINAL book, A Book of Middle Eastern Food, side-by-side with An Invitation to Indian Cooking.”

Priya Mani — BBC (21st November 2023)

Did you

adjective (formal)

- strongly influencing later developments

- containing important new ideas and having a great influence on later work

- seminal is used to describe things such as books, works, events, and experiences that have a great influence in a particular field

- connected with semen

Oxford Languages / Cambridge Dictionary / Collins Dictionary


The origins of “seminal” are Latin: semen “seed, semen, source, origin” and seminalis “of or pertaining to seed, originative”.

So the core etymological meaning of seminal relates to containing seeds or originative ideas/concepts that go on to grow into something more developed. It suggests something that provides a critical early foundation for future achievements or creations.

That's why we refer to certain pioneering academic papers, studies, or works of art as "seminal" - they planted early seeds that grew into key advances or movements.


- Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press with movable type in the 15th century was a seminal advancement in the history of communication and publishing, making books and information more widely accessible to the masses.

- Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was a seminal work in the field of biology that fundamentally transformed our understanding of the diversity of life on Earth.

- Einstein's theory of relativity was a seminal work in physics that transformed our understanding of time and space.

- The Beatles made seminal contributions to the music industry that impacted pop culture for decades.


adulated, applauded, avant-garde, celebrated, cornerstone, eminent, esteemed, exalted, forward-thinking, fountainhead, foundational, game-changing, germ,  groundbreaking, hailed, historic, honoured, illustrious, influential, initiative, innovative, keystone, leading, legendary, lynchpin, momentous, monumental, noteworthy, paramount, peerless, pivotal, preeminent, renowned, revolutionary, revered, SEMINAL, trailblazing, transformative, unparalleled, unrivaled, venerated, visionary, watershed, wellspring

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations was a SEMINAL treatise in economics that established ideas like the "invisible hand" and free market capitalism.”

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