red notice

an arrest notice (police)


red notice = eine Fahndungsausschreibung von Interpol



“France issues arrest warrant for Syrian President over his regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians. An Interpol ‘RED NOTICE’ is expected to follow, according to Michael Chammas, one of the plaintiff’s lawyers, who spoke to CNN from Germany.”

Israel National News (16th November 2023)

“By issuing RED NOTICES via the Interpol system, some of the world’s dictators and worst human rights abusers have been able to weaponise police forces in countries where they would normally have no influence.

Ben Keith — Euronews (11th April 2023)

Did you

red notice
noun phrase

- an Interpol notice describing a wanted person and asking that he or she be arrested with a view to extradition

- a wanted notice that is issued by Interpol at the request of an Interpol member country and distributed to all member countries

The Free Dictionary / Vocabulary dot com


The first Interpol notices were issued in 1946, after World War II. They were telegraphic messages sent between member countries to request arrests.

The term "Red Notice" originated in 1959, when Interpol started using coloured notices to indicate different types of alerts. Red was chosen for the highest level notice requesting arrest and extradition.

The Red Notice system was formalized in the 1950s and 60s as Interpol expanded. It provided a coordinated system for circulating arrest warrants globally.

A Red Notice is issued at the request of a member country and is not an international arrest warrant itself. But it alerts police to locate and provisionally arrest a wanted person pending extradition.

Yellow Notices are issued to help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who are unable to identify themselves.

Blue Notices are issued to help locate, identify or obtain information on a person of interest in a criminal investigation.

Green Notices warn about a person's criminal activities if that person is considered to be a possible threat to public safety.


The Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr once made a trip to Germany to attend a dinner in his honour at the University of Gottingen. On the day before the big event, he visited a boyish German graduate student (Werner Heisenberg) who, age notwithstanding, had already made important advances in the field of quantum mechanics. Bohr shamelessly invited the young man to leave Gottingen and come to Copenhagen to work with him instead.

Word quickly got around and Bohr's big dinner the next day was interrupted by the arrival of two uniformed German policemen—one of whom approached Bohr, gripped him by the shoulder, and loudly announced: "You are under arrest—on the charge of kidnapping small children!"

[The "policemen" of course were mischievous graduate students; Bohr did not go to jail, but Heisenberg did go to Copenhagen.]


- for arrest

abduct, apprehend, bag, bust, capture, catch, clap in irons, collar, constrain, contain, cop, detain, ensnare, entrap, extradite, feel the arm of the law, finger, grab,  handcuff, hold (captive), imprison, impound, incarcerate, indict, intern, jail, lay hands on (under restraint), lock up, nail, nab, place in custody, put away (behind bars, cuffs on, in the slam, in jail), restrain, restrain departure, restrict, shackle, take captive (in, into custody, prisoner), throw the book at (in jail)

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“The comedy action film 'RED NOTICE' became the most-watched film in its debut weekend in 2021.”

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