


doughty = tapfer, mutig, unerschrocken, entschlossen, standhaft, unbeugsam, wehrhaft, beherzt, unerschütterlich



“The DOUGHTY men and women of Keswick mountain rescue are well used to helping walkers who have lost their way on the Lake District fells.”

Helen Pidd — ‘Hikers high on magic mushrooms rescued in Lake District’ The Guardian (11th April 2023)

“The DOUGHTY leader (Vallabhbhai Patel) was the minister in charge of the newly formed States Department and he wanted Menon - or VP, as he was popularly known - as his secretary.”

Soutik Biswas — ‘VP Menon: The forgotten hero who stitched India together’ BBC News (6th August 2022)

Did you


- brave and persistent

- determined, brave, and unwilling ever to stop trying to achieve something

- marked by fearless resolution

Oxford Languages / Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam-Webster


From Middle English doughty meaning "valiant, stalwart" - this came from Old English dohtig meaning "strong, sturdy, vigorous".

Over time it evolved beyond just a physical sense of strength and sturdiness, also taking on connotations of bravery, boldness and prowess in battle as well as mental toughness.

By the 1600s, doughty maintained the sense of bravery and valour, but more in a general sense rather than limited to battle or physical might.


The Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC): the 300 Spartan warriors, led by King Leonidas, defended the narrow pass of Thermopylae against a much larger Persian army. They fought valiantly and held their ground, ultimately sacrificing their lives to delay the enemy's advance.

Joan of Arc (1412-1431): a French peasant girl led the French army to several victories during the Hundred Years' War against the English. Her unwavering faith and determination inspired her troops and contributed to her country's eventual success.

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013): was imprisoned for 27 years for his anti-apartheid activism. Upon his release, he continued to advocate for peace and reconciliation, ultimately leading South Africa out of apartheid and into a new era.


backbone, ballsy, brave, bravehearted, brassy, bulldog, courageous, dauntless, dogged, DOUGHTY, fearless, gallant, gutsy, hardy, indomitable, intrepid, iron, lionhearted, plucky, resolute, spunky, staunch, steadfast, unafraid, unbending, undaunted, unflinching, unfrightened, unyielding, valorous

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“The success of a startup invariably depends upon the DOUGHTY efforts of its founders.”

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