to be owned by s/o = gedemütigt, erniedrigt, geschlagen, besiegt
"That Is Misleading" Sam Harris OWNS CNN Reporter Live On TV
Bill Maher GETS OWNED by Glenn Greenwald Over Benghazi and Interventionism
to own s/o, to be owned by s/o
verb (new usage)
- if in a public debate (or a discussion) you "own" someone, you win the argument and completely defeat them
This interesting new use of the verb "own" has gained recent popularity as a result of increasingly aggressive live debates and panel discussions, especially on social media.
You may find this recent interview, where Jordan Peterson reportedly "OWNS" Cathy Newman, quite interesting. Check it out and let me know what you think:
Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:
"Have you seen this the Channel 4 interview where Jordan Peterson OWNS Cathy Newman?"