to take s/o to task = jdn. scharf zurechtweisen oder kritisieren; einen (scharfen) Verweis erteilen; die Meinung sagen; jdm. Zunder geben; jdm. aufs Dach steigen; jdm. die Hölle heißmachen; jdm. heftig zusetzen
BBC Radio 4 presenter Justin Webb is TAKEN TO TASK by listeners over Donald Trump remarks. Justin Webb faced severe online criticism after listeners accused him of defending Donald Trump's sexist remarks.
Mail Online
take to task
phrasal verb
- a task is a job, and if someone takes you to task, they’re letting you know you did a bad job.
If the number of synonyms are anything to go by, English speakers must have a great need to describe negative feedback. How many do you know?
rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold, remonstrate with, berate, take to task, pull up, castigate, lambaste, read someone the Riot Act, give someone a piece of one's mind, haul over the coals, lecture, criticize, censure;
informal: tell off, give someone a talking-to, give someone a telling-off, dress down, give someone a dressing-down, give someone an earful, give someone a roasting, give someone a rocket, give someone a rollicking, rap, rap over the knuckles, slap someone's wrist, send someone away with a flea in their ear, let someone have it, bawl out, give someone hell, come down on, blow up, pitch into, lay into, lace into, give someone a caning, put on the mat, slap down, blast, rag, keelhaul; chew out, tick off, have a go at, carpet, give someone a mouthful, tear someone off a strip, give someone what for, give someone some stick
TAKE CARE, the following are vulgar. You might be TAKEN TO TASK for using them in polite company! bollock, give someone a bollocking; chew someone's ass, ream someone's ass
Practice OWAD in a conversation today
say something like:
“He was TAKEN TO TASK by his supervisor for for not wearing protection goggles.“