a business person responsible for the arrangements after someone has died
undertaker = der Beerdigungsunternehmer; der Bestatter; der Leichenbestatter
Black Humour
The Undertaker's Assistant
"Preparing a baldheaded body for its coffin, Uncle Billy (an undertaker's assistant) had been told by the widow that her poor husband was to be buried with his wig on," Anthony Burgess once recalled.
"He found difficulty in affixing it. He called up to his employer, 'Mr Clegg, have you got a bit of glue?' And then, 'Never mind. I've found a nail.'"
Burgess, John Anthony (1917-1993) British novelist, critic and composer noted for such works as A Clockwork Orange (1962), Inside Mr. Enderby (1963), and Earthly Powers (1980)
Did you know?
un-der-tak-er noun
: an individual whose business is to prepare the dead for burial and to arrange and manage funerals.