jinx = Unheilbringer, der Hexenfluch, verhexen
jinx = 24,000,000 hits
Can India win the World T20 cricket tournament? No host country has ever won the World T20, but sports journalist Suresh Menon asks can India break this JINX?
BBC News
Did you know?
jinx noun
1. A person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck.
2. A condition or period of bad luck that appears to have been caused by a specific person or thing.
To jinx something is to bring bad luck to someone or something.
American Heritage Dictionary
--- The modern form of the word dates back to approximately the sixteenth century, when a jynx was a charm or spell that was supposed to cause bad luck or evil influences.
The name came from the frequent use of such charms as the feathers of the wryneck, or jynx bird, a kind of woodpecker. That name in turn may have come from the Latin iynx, possibly from Greek iuzein (to call).
Jinx is one of the very few words in English that ends in -nx.
Two others are sphynx and larynx, and if you will... thnx