
a business which forces its employees to overwork


sweat = der Schweiß sweatshop = Ausbeutungsbetrieb



Gap and Nike: No Sweat?
The two hugely successful international brands claim that regular monitoring ensures that most factories are free of unethical working practices.

(BBC News - October 15th 2000)

Did you


A shop or factory in which employees work long hours at low wages under poor conditions.

Common sweat phrases:

to be all in a sweat = durchgeschwitzt sein
to sweat out = ausschwitzen
to be in a cold sweat = Blut und Wasser schwitzen
to break out in a sweat = in Schweiß ausbrechen
to soak with sweat = durchschwitzen, verschwitzt
to work up a sweat = ins Schwitzen geraten
No sweat! [coll.] = Kein Problem! Kein Stress!
drenched in sweat = schweißgebadet
No sweet without sweat = Ohne Fleiß kein Preis
bead of sweat = die Schweißperle
cold sweat = der Angstschweiß
drop of sweat = der Schweißtropfen
night sweat [med.] = der Nachtschweiß
secretion of sweat [physiol.] = die Schweißsekretion
smell of sweat = der Schweißgeruch
sweat bath = das Schwitzbad
sweat-mill = die Tretmühle
sweat pore = die Schweißpore
sweat suit = der Trainingsanzug

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