stick and carrot

punishment and reward


stick and carrot (carrot and stick) = Zuckerbrot und Peitsche



Zimbabwe offered carrot and stick -- The Commonwealth has decided to adopt a two-track approach to Zimbabwe.

It has suspended the country for a year on the grounds that this month's presidential election was not free and fair.

But Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and South African President Thabo Mbeki will continue their efforts to promote reconciliation in Zimbabwe between government and opposition.

(BBC News - Wednesday, 20 March, 2002)

Did you

carrot and stick

Reward and punishment used as persuasive measures, as in Management dangled the carrot of a possible raise before strikers, but at the same time waved the stick of losing their pension benefits. This term alludes to enticing a horse or donkey to move by dangling a carrot before it and, either alternately or at the same time, urging it forward by beating it with a stick. Late 1800s

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

Usage Note:

Should you say (1) "carrot and stick" or (2) "stick and carrot"?
Actually, both forms are correct, but (1) is more common (i.e. first the good news). Google hits for (1) = 394,000, for (2) = 52,800.

say something like:

"Our department used to function according to the carrot and stick principle, these days people are completely self accountable."

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