to argue or discuss about small, unimportant matters
"A year later, the Population conference in Cairo spent days SPLITTING HAIRS with the Vatican about abortion, and last year, delegates to the Racism conference in Durban lost their tempers on the question of whether Israel's policies towards the Palestinians were racist."
(Barnaby Mason - Analysis: Do world summits work? - BBC News - 21 August, 2002)
Did you know?
Idioms which are close to German are easy to remember :)
Here are some other common phrases with "split"
to split up with someone = sich von jmdm. trennen to split a contract = einen Auftrag aufteilen to split one's vote [pol.] = panaschieren to split the proceeds [bank.] = den Erlös aufteilen to split stocks [finan.] = Aktien aufteilen to split one's sides laughing = sich totlachen