spinster = alte Jungfer; älteres Fräulein; die Jungfer
spinster [Brit.] [jur.] = unverheiratete Frau
Spinster leaves £2m to Eton
An eccentric woman who led a modest and quiet life has left a £2m fortune to Eton Public School.
Ursula Arnott, who died recently, lived at St Briavels in Gloucestershire and was well known to neighbours as she tended her cows and ran a local milk round.
The 86 year old was the last surviving member of her family.
After her death, the childless SPINSTER'S seven-bedroom manor house was found to be packed with valuable antiques.
(BBC News - 16th June 2003)
Did you know?
1. A woman who has remained single beyond the conventional age for marrying. 2. A single woman. 3. A person whose occupation is spinning.
From Middle English spinnestere, female spinner of thread
spinster-hood n.
spinster-ish or spinster-ly adj.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language