Did you
1. One who avoids work or responsibility
2. One who tries to evade military service in wartime; a draft dodger.
While we’re at it take a look at the root word “slack”:
1. Moving slowly; sluggish: a slack pace.
2. Lacking in activity; not busy: a slack season for the travel business.
3. Not tense or taut; loose: a slack rope; slack muscles. See Synonyms at loose.
4. Lacking firmness; flaccid: a slack grip.
5. Lacking in diligence or due care or concern; negligent: a slack worker.
6. Flowing or blowing with little speed: a slack current; slack winds.
7. Linguistics. Pronounced with the muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed; lax.
Adapted from: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
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