rookie = der Anfänger, der Neuling, der Rekrut
rookie mistake [sport.] = der Anfängerfehler
"Red Bull will therefore run two Formula One teams from the start of the 2006 season onwards. The second team will be positioned as a 'rookie' team and this and the current Red Bull Racing will operate independently of one another."
(BBC News - 10th September 2005)
Typical business phrase: After getting the business, the consultants installed a rookie team to handle the case.
Did you know?
rookie (colloquial US)
Origin: Perhaps alteration of recruit.
1. a. An untrained or inexperienced recruit, as in the army or police. b. An inexperienced person; a novice.
2. Sports. A first-year player, especially in a professional sport.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition