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"Pooped" means to be very tired.
The term goes back to sailors who brought it to land. The stern of a boat is called the poop. During strong winds and storms, the elements smashed against it repeatedly. Any ship's stern that showed damage from all of this was called "pooped" and lucky to still be floating after days of battering waves.
So when the sailors got ashore, in their descriptive way they would often say that they felt as tired and battered and as "pooped" as their ship. People soon used this phrase to describe themselves even when on land.
Tiredness must be a quite a subject of conversation for English speakers as pooped is one of many synonyms. Here's just a selection :
All in, beat, bedraggled, burned out, bushed, dead, dead-beat, dead-tired, dog-tired, dog-weary, done in, droopy, dropping, exhausted, fagged, fagged out, footsore, hung, jaded, languid, languorous, lassitudinous, listless, overtired, played out, pooped, pooped out, prostrated, spent, tuckered, washed out, wasted, weary, whacked, worn, worn-out, zonked.
Useful words if you've been partying all weekend :)