plain sailing

easy progress


to be plain sailing = eine klare / glatte / einfache Sache sein — from now on it's all plain sailing = von jetzt an geht alles glatt



“No-one said it would be PLAIN SAILING - the sovereign debt crisis and uncovered structural deficiencies in the euro area's institutional framework have been ignored for too long.”

Marta Noguer - Causa Bank Research

Did you

plain sailing

1.  informal - smooth or easy progress
2.  nautical - sailing in a body of water that is unobstructed

Collins Dictionary


‘Plain sailing’, along with ‘smooth sailing’ and ‘clear sailing’, is a nautical phrase that has the literal meaning of ‘sailing that is easy and uncomplicated’.

All these expressions are now used figuratively to describe any straightforward and trouble-free activity.

There might seem to be be little more to say about ‘plain sailing’, if it weren’t for the existence of the phrase ‘plane sailing’.

‘Plane sailing’ is a simplified form of navigation, in which the surface of the sea is considered to be flat rather than curved, that is, on what mathematicians call a ‘plane surface’.

The plane method of approximation made the calculations of distance much easier than those of ‘Mercator’s sailing’, in which the curvature of the earth was taken into account.

Both spellings “plane” and “plain” have been in use for several centuries.

Practice OWAD in an English conversation, say something like:

“OK, we finally solved the security problem. It should be PLAIN SAILING now get back online.”

A shout-out to Cevat for inspiring today’s word!

and a BIG THANKS to my “Friends-of-OWAD” who are supporting my efforts to keep the service going:)

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