
a smile with the eyes



“Wearing a mask is easy – and I finally have the chance to show off my SMIZE.”

The Guardian

Did you

smize (also: smise, smeyes)
noun, verb

- a playful or alluring expression of the eyes

Oxford Dictionaries


Early 21st century: coined by the American model and TV host Tyra Banks, as a contraction of the phrase smile with your eyes.

According to Banks, to smize is to “smile with your eyes,” blending the word smile with the sound of the word eyes, hence the spelling smize.


How is face-masking affecting our our ability to read emotions in facial expression and what are the implications of this for human communication and relationship building?

If you get time over the weekend, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just drop me a line at: paul (at) smith (dot) de

Here are some interesting “phraseyes”:

- a sight for sore eyes = ein erfreulicher Anblick
- to be the apple of sb.’s eye = jds. Liebling sein (Lieblingskind, -enkel etc.)
- eye of the storm = Sturmzentrum
- to catch sb.’s eye = jds. Aufmerksamkeit erregen
- eye candy = Augenschmaus (mit einem Element von Oberflächlichkeit)
- to make goo-goo eyes at sb. = jdm. schöne Augen machen
- to be not even a twinkle in one’s father’s eye =     noch lange nicht geboren (nicht gezeugt) sein
- to keep a weather eye on sb./sth.    jdn. = etw. genau im Auge behalten
- in the wink of an eye = im Handumdrehen    

PRACTICE OWAD in a conversation:

“Hey Jim, do I detect a hint of a SMIZE behind that mask?”

A shoutout to JACKY for suggesting today's word, and A BIG THANKS to my “Friends-of-OWAD” who are supporting my efforts to keep the service going:)

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