pink slip

a message to say your are fired (Kündigungsschreiben)


blauer Brief, Kündigungsschreiben



"Our company answering policy was 'Thank you for holding, how can I help you'. One day, and feeling very stressed, I mixed up the phrase and answered "Thank you for helping, how can I hold you.' I nearly got a PINK SLIP for that mistake - the caller was my boss."

(submitted by Vicki L.)

Did you

Did you know?
pink slip

n : a notification that you have been fired from your job

Here are a few other "pink" phrases:

to be in the pink = gesund und munter sein

tickled pink = köstlich amüsiert

pink hawthorn = Rotdorn

coral pink = korallenrosa

clouds touched with pink = mit einem Hauch von Rosa

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