phoney information

false information


phoney = erfunden; falsch; gefälscht; unecht



Michael Jackson once complained about the publication of a newspaper story concerning his health, accompanied by photographs of Jackson supposedly in a hyperbaric chamber*. The source of the PHONEY item? Michael Jackson!

The singer had posed for the photos and given the reporter exclusive rights to sell the piece, provided that the word 'bizarre' was used in the story at least three times.

Jackson, Michael Joseph "King of Pop" (1958- ) American musician, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee (2001) noted for his troubled and controversial private life, for his work with the Jackson 5, and for such solo works as Blood On The Dance Floor: HIStory In The Mix (1997), History: Past, Present and Future, Book 1 (1995), Dangerous (1991), Bad (1987), Thriller (1982), and Off The Wall (1979)

* hyperbaric chamber = Überdruckkammer

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pho-ney (also phony)
adjective & noun

a.    Not genuine or real; counterfeit: a phoney credit card.
b.    False; spurious: a phoney name.

2.    Not honest or truthful; deceptive: a phoney excuse.
a.    Insincere or hypocritical.
b.    Giving a false impression of truth or authenticity; specious.

n. pl. pho·nies, also pho·neys

1.    Something not genuine; a fake.
a.    One who is insincere or pretentious.
b.    An impostor; a hypocrite.

Origin: Alteration of fawney, gilt brass ring used by swindlers, from Irish Gaelic fáinne, ring, from Old Irish

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Synonyms (adjective):
artificial, bogus, counterfeit, dummy, ersatz, fake, false, fictitious, fishy, forged, fraudulent, imitation, not genuine, not kosher, phoney, phony, pretended, pseudo, sham, simulated, spurious

Synonyms (noun):

actor, carbon, carbon copy, copy, deceit, deception, dummy, facsimile, fabrication, fake, falsification, forgery, fraud, hoax, humbug, imitation, imposture, look alike, phoney, phony, pseud, pseudo, put-on, reproduction, sell, sham, simulacrum

say something like:

"I think that last telephone call was from a competitor. The voice of the caller sounded rather phoney."

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