
to confuse


obfuscate = trüben, verschleiern, verdunkeln, verwirren, vernebeln, —— obfuscation = Verschleierung, Verwirrung, Vernebelung



“Walsh said users could also ask ChatGPT to add more “randomness” into text to evade censors, and OBFUSCATE with different synonyms and grammatical edits.”

Caitlin Cassidy - The Guardian (11 January 2023)

Did you



- to make something less clear and harder to understand, especially intentionally

- to put false or confusing information on the internet, especially using special software, in order to stop search engines being able to collect information about you

The Cambridge Dictionary


The term “obfuscate” was first used in English in the early 16th century and derives from the Latin obfuscare, which means to darken or obscure.

Since then, the word has been commonly used to describe tactics used by politicians, lawyers, and other professionals to obscure the truth or make an issue difficult to understand. It can also be used to describe intentionally complicated language or technical jargon that is difficult for non-experts to understand.

Despite its negative connotations, obfuscation can also be used constructively, such as in cryptography or data security to obscure sensitive information.



- obfuscation tactics = methods used to intentionally confuse or mislead others, such as changing the subject, using technical language, or providing excessive detail

- obfuscation software = computer programs that intentionally make code difficult to understand, in order to prevent others from reverse-engineering or tampering with it

- doublespeak = language that is deliberately vague or ambiguous, often used to conceal the truth or mislead

- jargon = specialized language used in a particular field or profession that is often difficult for outsiders to understand

- euphemism = a mild or indirect expression used in place of a harsh or unpleasant one

- equivocate = to use ambiguous or unclear language in order to mislead or avoid answering a question directly

- dissemble = to conceal one’s true motives, feelings, or beliefs by giving a false appearance or deceptive impression

- prevaricate = to speak or act in an evasive way, often to avoid telling the truth

And, if you ever wondered how originators of spam e-mail are able to hide the source of the server that sends the message, so-called Java script obfuscators can be used to hide the true identity of the originator.


- to make something unclear, confusing, or difficult to understand

befuddle, bewilder, camouflage, cloak, cloud, conceal, confuse, cover up, darken, disguise, hide, mask, muddle, muddy the waters, mystify, OBFUSCATE, obscure, perplex, puzzle, shroud, throw off, veil

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“It's rather funny that the word OBFUSCATE can often OBFUSCATE the meaning of a written or spoken sentence!”

THANKS to Rolf for suggesting today’s word.

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