knock his socks off

really impress him


jdm. (sehr) beeindrucken, imponieren



"Despite its being an unlikely candidate for adaptation, the book set movie-making wheels in motion even before it was published. Ryder saw the book in galley form, "and apparently it KNOCKED HER SOCKS OFF -- really captured her imagination."

(B.U. Bridge - Sept. 1999)

Did you

knock someone's socks off

Although often used, the origin of this interesting idiom is unknown.

You'll also hear the related phrase "sock it to (someone)" which also means "to forcefully impress (someone)"

Of all the synonyms below, I most like "knocking socks off"

affect, awe, blow away, bulldoze, electrify, enthuse, excite, faze, galvanize, grab, grandstand, inspire, kill, knock out, knock socks off, make splash, move, overawe, slay, stimulate, stir, strike, sway, thrill, touch

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