Old aunt Rose lived to the grand old age of 95 before she kicked the bucket
Did you know?
kick the bucket
Etymology "The bucket" was the wooden frame that slaughtered (geschlachtet) animals were hung from. Some animals managed to kick the bucket before dying, therefore this idiom.
Death is never a pleasant subject, and maybe black humour is some kind of emotional compensation. Here's a selection from the hundreds of (humorous) to-die idioms floating around the English language:
Married to OJ (Simpson) On the unable to breathe list Tailgating with Jesus Put on the wooden overcoat Electrocardiographically challenged Gone to meet the maker Gone to the great big blue screen in the sky Ded: d. e. d. In a better place Worm food Not with us Pass on No more taxes Got Ghosted Departed for the Celestial Kingdom Emptying the Great Hole Punch Lost his franchise "Daddy done went on vacation." - Forrest Gump Assume room temperature Improved the gene pool Become living impared Won the Darwin Award Pushing up the daisies Moved into upper management