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An interesting word for which we have lots of synonyms:
agitation, ants (in your pants), apprehension, botheration, butterflies, cabin fever, butterflies (in your stomach), cold sweat, discomfiture, disquiet, disquietude, dithers, excitability, fidgets, flap, fluster, fuss, heebie-jeebies, impatience, jimjams, jitters, jumps, perturbation, quivers, sensitivity, shakes, stage fright, stew, stress, sweat, tension, tizzy, to-do, touchiness, trembles, tremulousness, uneasiness, willies, worry
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and practice using "jitters" today:
One evening after World War II, the legendary ballerina Margot Fonteyn attended a "Bal Negre" in Paris. "I was fascinated as I watched the black dancers," she later recalled. "One of them invited me on to the floor. I thought it rude to refuse, and despite having the JITTERS stepped out, trying to follow his rhythm and movement. He steered me once around the hall then returned me to my table saying, 'You're an attractive girl, it's too bad you can't dance.'"