
to threaten, to present a danger to


to jeopardise = gefährden; aufs Spiel setzen; in Gefahr bringen



In November 1957, a curious article appeared in an Indian newspaper called The Modern Times. Entitled "The Rashtrapati," the piece strongly criticized Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

While the author recognised Nehru's intelligence and initiative, he also underlined the prime minister's undeniable autocratic tendencies. He urged the Indian electorate to exercise caution, in case Nehru turn into a despot. Indeed, electing this man for a third consecutive term, the article warned, would strengthen his ego and JEOPARDISE Indian society...

The article's author? Jawaharlal Nehru himself, seeking to avoid a third term in office.

Note: The plan failed; Nehru remained in office until 1964.

Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889-1964) Indian nationalist politician, first prime minister of independent India (1947–1964), son of Pandit Motilal Nehru noted for his role in the movement for Indian independence.

Did you

jeo-par-dise (jeopardize US)

: to pose a threat to; present a danger to

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

Synonyms: endanger, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, risk
These verbs mean to subject to danger, loss, or destruction:

1. Driving that endangers lives
2. Hazarded his health by smoking
3. A forest imperiled by acid rain
4. Strikes that jeopardized company profits
5. She wouldn't risk her financial security.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

say something like:

"I am afraid that his poor knowledge of English will jeopardise the negotiations"

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