
a person who crosses a street carelessly


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"Justice Scalia put the question that had never occurred to legislators and newspaper editors in Iowa: 'If the police have the power to search you anytime you happen to commit a minor offence, does this mean thatyou could be strip-searched for JAYWALKING?'"

(The Conservative Newsletter - 26 April 2001)

Did you

Did you know?

"Jaywalk" means : to cross a street carelessly or in an illegal manner so as to be endangered by traffic, and dates from 1919.

Jay Birds who ventured out of their rural forests and into the urban areas often got confused. They often endangered their lives walking anywhere where they wanted, including into traffic. City people laughed at their strange behavior. So, now anyone who crosses the street in a reckless or illegal way is called a jaywalker (and is sometimes fined).

A person who jaywalks is a jaywalker.

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