it's curtains for him

it's the end of him


curtain = Vorhang, Gardine curtains for someone = Ofen aus sein, weg vom Fenster



"When the Iraqi army sees that it's CURTAINS FOR Saddam, they will send a few generals over to his hideout (with a company of infantry) to convince him to do the right thing."

(My Predictions - EBTX Forum - 21 September 2002)

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curtains for someone or something

Is the (usually sad) end of a project, a career or a life.

The phrase comes from the theatre, where the closing curtains signify that the show is over.

"If you get caught using insider information it'll be curtains for you = wenn sie dich erwischen, ist für dich der Ofen aus (bist du weg vom Fenster)"


Not to be confused with "a curtain call" in the theatre - this is when the performers come forward at the end of the production to receive applause from the audience.

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