intricate problem

a very complex problem


intricate = komplex, kompliziert, schwierig, umständlich, verwickelt, verzwickt, aufwendig intricate = verschlungen - z.B. Pfad, Windung LEO



UCLA chemists have devised an elegant solution to an INTRICATE PROBLEM at the nanoscale that stumped scientists for many years: They have made a mechanically interlocked compound whose molecules have the topology of the beloved interlocked Borromean rings. In the May 28 issue of the journal Science, the team reports nanoscience that could be described as art.


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1.    Having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate.

2.    Solvable or comprehensible only with painstaking effort.

Synonyms: complex, complicated, intricate, involved, tangled, knotty

These adjectives mean having parts so interconnected as to make the whole perplexing.

COMPLEX implies a combination of many associated parts: The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations.

COMPLICATED stresses elaborate relationship of parts: The party's complicated platform confused many voters.

INTRICATE refers to a pattern of intertwining parts that is difficult to follow or analyze: “No one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology” (Anthony Trollope).

INVOLVED stresses confusion arising from the commingling of parts and the consequent difficulty of separating them: The movie's plot was criticized as being too involved.

TANGLED strongly suggests the random twisting of many parts: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave,/When first we practice to deceive!” (Sir Walter Scott).

KNOTTY stresses intellectual complexity leading to difficulty of solution or comprehension: Even the professor couldn't clarify the knotty point.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

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