die Moralpredigt, die Strafpredigt, die Tirade, lange Rede
"He (David Blunkett) said he was not there to HARANGUE teachers. "But I'm asking teachers in this country not to have faith in politicians, but to have faith in themselves..."
(BBC News - Friday, 2 April, 1999)
Did you know?
www.wordreference.com gives these examples:
- I don't like being HARANGUED = ich kann es nicht leiden, wenn mir jemand lange Reden hält
- Stop HARANGUING me about how lucky other men's wives are = hör auf, mir dauernd vorzuhalten wie gut es die Frauen anderer Männer haben
- He tried to HARANGUE the mob into direct action = er versuchte, den Mob zum direkten Handeln aufzustacheln
---- How important is the word HARANGUE for your English?
(1) Frequency position from the World Bank of English: