to grasp = zupacken
(stinging) nettle = Brennnessel
to grasp the nettle = die Initiative ergreifen
to bite the bullet, grasp the nettle (Br.) = In den sauren Apfel beißen
German-English Idioms
"A future leader of the Church of England needs to GRASP THE NETTLE that has been... avoided for at least ten years.
In an attempt to keep everybody happy it has 'soft-talked' the most reactionary groups in the Church, and has... given them huge power to block any kind of creative change..."
(Reverend Mary Robins, BBC News - 23rd July 2002)
Did you know?
to grasp the nettle (British) idiom
- to tackle an unpleasant task
Synonym: to bite the bullet (US & UK)
"bite the bullet" and "grasp the nettle" both mean to tackle an unpleasant task.
IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS TODAY say something like:
"I knew the presentation would be difficult, but I decided to grasp the nettle and offer to do it."
or for your US colleagues:
"I knew the presentation would be difficult, but I decided to bite the bullet and offer to do it."