glib = wortgewandt, schlagfertig, aalglatt
- glib answer = leicht dahingesagt, unbedacht (Antwort)
- be glib in finding excuses = schnell Entschuldigungen bei der Hand haben
"There are a lot of really good schools doing an absolutely super job so there is no need for anyone to go along and turn them around at all. On the other hand I would also say - a bit of a GLIB ANSWER - is that you can always make difference."
There are a lot of really good schools doing an absolutely super job so there is no need for anyone to go along and turn them around at all. On the other hand I would also say - a bit of glib answer - is that you can always make difference.
(BBC NEWS - 1 November, 2001)
Did you know?
Glib has been used in English since 1593, it may be derived from Low German glibberig slippery.
Specific definitions are:
1 a : marked by ease and informality : NONCHALANT b : showing little forethought or preparation : OFFHAND - glib answers c : lacking depth and substance : SUPERFICIAL - glib solutions to knotty problems
2 archaic : SMOOTH, SLIPPERY
3 : marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful - a glib politician