
to stop someone doing something illegal or undesirable


Absicht durchkreuzen, vereiteln, jemandem entgegentreten, jemanden stoppen, zunichte machen



"FBI Director: Nearly 100 Terrorist Attacks in U.S. FOILED Since Sept. 11 -- Nearly 100 terrorist attacks, some intended to take place on U.S. soil, have been FOILED since Sept. 11, 2001, FBI Director Robert Mueller says. But he warns that many potential terrorists remain at large in the United States."

(Associated Press - 15 Dec 2002)

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Did you know?

Etymology: Middle English, to trample, full cloth, from Middle French fouler

Date: 14th century

1.To prevent from being successful; thwart.

2.To obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers.

Lots of synonyms for "foil", obviously something we like doing in English :)

baffle, beat, bilk, check, checkmate, counter, curb, dash, defeat, disappoint, disconcert, faze, foul up, frustrate, get around, hang up, hinder, nullify, outwit, prevent, restrain, shake, shake off, shuffle off, stop, stymie, thwart

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