
a total failure


flop = das Fiasko; der Misserfolg; die Nullnummer; der Reinfall; totaler Misserfolg; totaler Fehlschlag flop = der Versager to flop = hinplumpsen to flop = plumpsen to flop = versagen to be a complete flop = in die Hose gehen belly-flop = der Bauchklatscher LEO



In 1979, Stephen Pile, founder of the "Not Terribly Good Club of Great Britain," wrote a book entitled "The Book of Heroic Failures" to serve as the club's official handbook.

"I am pleased to report that The Book of Heroic Failures was a terrific FLOP in America," Pile later reported, "where sales took ages to reach double figures.

Unfortunately, the book was more sucessful in England. "When it appeared in a best-seller list I was thrown out as president, having brought shame upon the membership," Pile recalled.

In only a few months the club had received 20,000 enquiries from members of the public wishing to join.

In 1979 the club closed down for the reason that is was now a great success.

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noun (informal)

1: someone who is unsuccessful
"as a manager he was a total flop"

2: a complete failure
"the opera was a dismal flop"

3: the act of throwing yourself down
"he landed on the bed with a great flop"

4: an arithmetic operation performed on floating-point numbers; "this computer can perform a million flops per second"
(syn: floating-point operation)

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

bomb, bust, debacle, disaster, dud, failure, fiasco, lemon, loser, miscarriage, nonstarter, washout

say something like:

"I am pleased to say that our competitor's campaign has become a total flop"

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