
a stupid person


Dummkopf, der Gimpel, der Schwachkopf dunce's cap = die Narrenkappe a tall, cone-shaped hat formerly worn by slow or lazy students as a punishment in school



"Quiz: How's your maths? Do you have a way with numbers, or are you a DUNCE when it comes to maths? Test yourself with our quiz."

(BBC News, 24 February 2004)

PS And if you really want to do the quiz, here's the link, good luck!


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The word "dunce" meaning a stupid person refers to John Duns Scotus (c. 1265-1308), a leading scholar of philosophy and theology. Scotus was born in Duns, Scotland and his writings formed the philosophical core for a Scholastic sect named after him, the Scotists.

In the 16th century, humanists and reformers began attacking the Scotists for engaging in useless philosophical discussions. In return, the Scotists attacked the new learning of the Renaissance. As a result, Duns became associated with those who refused to learn. As Tyndale put it in 1530:

"Remember ye not how [...] the old barkyng curres, Dunces disciples and lyke draffe called Scotistes, the children of darknesse, raged in euery pulpit agaynst Greke Latin and Hebrue." ... you get the general idea!

Anyway, English likes this concept, hence a battery of synonyms:

ass, birdbrain, blockhead, bonehead, boob, buffoon, dimwit, dodo, dolt, donkey, dope, dork, drip, duffer, dullard, dumb bunny, dumb cluck, dumb head, dumb ox, dumbbell, dunderhead, fool, goof, goof ball, goon, half-baked, half-wit, idiot, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, knucklehead, lame-brain, lightweight, loon, lout, lunkhead, moron, nerd, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, numskull, oaf, pinhead, scatterbrain, schmuck, schnook, simpleton, spaz, stoop, twit

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