
putting a different language soundtrack on a film





Catalan speakers in Spain were angry after it was revealed that the film Harry Potter, released there on 30 November, will only be available with DUBBING in Spanish.

(BBC News - Thursday, 22 November, 2001)

Did you

to dub

Dub is short for "double" and in film-making means:

1. To transfer (recorded material) onto a new recording medium; to copy (a record or tape).

2. To insert a new soundtrack, often a synchronized translation of the original dialogue, into (a film).

3. To add (sound) into a film or tape: dub in strings behind the vocal.

Dub, dubbing is an essential part of your movie vocabulary. Next time you read the credits of an English film, also look out for these words:

credits - Abspann
location shot - Aussenaufnahme
lighting - Beleuchtung
cast - Besetzung
cut, edit - cutten
editor - Cutter/in
documentary - Dokumentarfilm
to shoot, to film - filmen, drehen
screenplay, script - Drehbuch
scriptwriter - Drehbuchautor
location - Drehort
shot, take - Einstellung
interior shot - Innenaufnahme
camerawork - Kameraführung
clapperboard - Klappe
extra - Komparse
close-up - Nahaufnahme
original soundtrack - Originalton
direction - Regie
director - Regisseur
props - Requisiten
editing - Schnitt
pan - Schwenk
feature film - Spielfilm
still - Standfoto
extra - Statist/in
silent film - Stummfilm
dubbing - Synchronisierung
talkie - Tonfilm
long shot - Totale
screening - Vorführung
in slow motion - in Zeitlupe


Dub also means titulieren = "Because of his aristocratic background, we dubbed him 'Sir' Michael Brown".

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