“At the same time, the company is phasing out low-margin businesses. HP sold its interest in a joint venture with Ericsson, for instance. ‘We will continue to DIVEST non-strategic businesses,’ Fiorina said.
(Michael Kanellos in ‘Hewlett-Packard shares skid despite strong sales’ - CNET News.com, August 17, 2000)
Did you know?
In a business context this verb means to sell off, e.g., a subsidiary company or an investment.
Here are the various dictionary definitions:
1. To strip, as of clothes.
2. a. To deprive, as of rights or property; dispossess. b. To free of; rid:
3. To sell off or otherwise dispose of
[Alteration (influenced by Medieval Latin dvestre, to undress), of devest.]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition