dirty bomb

a bomb which is designed to spread radioactive material over a large area


Schmutzige Bombe



"The American accused of plotting a radioactive 'dirty bomb' attack on the United States met repeatedly with top al Qaeda leaders after Sept. 11 to discuss a range of attack options including blowing up hotels and gas stations, U.S. officials said on Tuesday."

(Reuters - June 11. 2002)

Did you

Did you know?

In business English the phrase "to bomb" is negative, as in "the project bombed" i.e the project failed.

However, the phrase "to go a bomb" is positive and means to be a great success, as in "the conference went a bomb."

Become a bomb expert in English today, here's a list of well-know phrases:

A-bomb = Atombombe
H-bomb = Wasserstoffbombe
bomb sight = Bombenzielgeraet
bomb-proof = bombensicher
smoke-bomb = Rauchbombe
bomb crater = Bombenkrater

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