Joaquin Phoenix is a young Johnny Cash and Reese Witherspoon is the love of his life, June Carter, in Walk the Line, filmed in Memphis.
“THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION has been very helpful and cooperative in allowing us to utilize the space and providing a production house, which is very costly for filming,” says Bob Raines, project manager for the Tennessee Film, Music and Entertainment Commission.
Tennessee Economic Development Guide
Did you know?
Department of Correction(s) noun (US)
: the department of local government that is responsible for managing the treatment of convicted offenders
Note: In the UK, the "Home Office" is the government ministry responsible for national prison policy and control.
Learn these common prison phrases:
juvenile prison = die Jugendstrafanstalt prison camp = das Gefangenenlager prison cell = die Gefängniszelle prison compound = der Gefängnishof prison inmate = der Strafgefangene prison officer = der Vollzugsbeamte prison record = das Haftstrafenregister prison sentence = die Freiheitsstrafe prison warden = der Gefängnisdirektor remand prison = das Untersuchungsgefängnis state prison (US) = das Staatsgefängnis high-security (maximum security) prison = das Hochsicherheitsgefängnis
IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS TODAY say something like:
"That candidate has been in prison. Do you think we can check his background with The Department of Correction?"