dead cert

something that is 100% certain to happen





"Demographics is on their side: almost one-third of bingo players are single women - a social category that is becoming ever more numerous, richer and more hungry for fun. Amid the uncertainties of the gaming industry, bingo might the closest thing there is to a DEAD CERT."

(Feature "Can bingo bounce back? on "BBC News 14th October 2002)

Did you

Did you know?
dead cert

A dead cert s the shortened form of a dead certainty, meaning a complete certainty. It's a term often used in sports gambling, but also sometimes in business.

"It's a dead cert that he'll get the job - his uncle is on the selection board."

Interesting that the word dead doesn't always refer to death:

to be dead-on = den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen
dead calm = die Flaute
dead center = genauer Mittelpunkt
dead drunk = sinnlos betrunken
dead easy = kinderleicht
dead end = die Sackgasse
dead faint = tiefe Ohnmacht
dead freight = zu zahlende aber nicht genutzte Fracht
dead letter = unzustellbarer Brief
dead market = flauer Markt
dead reliable = völlig zuverlässig
dead silence = absolute Stille
dead space = ungenutzter Raum
dead storage = verlorener Speicherraum
dead straight = schnurgerade
dead sure = todsicher
dead time = die Verlustzeit
dead tired = todmüde

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