
the guarding, caring, protecting (of someone)


custody = die Aufbewahrung die Bewachung der Gewahrsam die Haft die Obhut das Sorgerecht die Verwahrung



In October of 1899, a British newspaper columnist was captured and imprisoned by the Boers. Before escaping, however, he courteously left a letter of apology on his bed, addressed to Louis de Souza, the Boer secretary for war.

"I have the honour to inform you that as I do not consider that your Government have any right to detain me as a military prisoner, I have decided to escape from your CUSTODY. Regretting that I am unable to bid you a more ceremonious or a personal farewell, I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, Winston Churchill."

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Origin: Middle English custodie, from Latin custodia - guard

1. The act or right of guarding, especially such a right granted by a court.

2. Care, supervision, and control exerted by one in charge.

3. The state of being detained or held under guard, especially by the police.

Learn these phrases:

custody of = das Sorgerecht für
to apply for custody = die Verwahrung beantragen
to remand so. in custody = jmdn. in Untersuchungshaft behalten
to take custody of so. = für jmdn. das Sorgerecht übernehmen
to take into custody = in Verwahrung nehmen

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