crossing the pond

travelling to America


pond = Teich, Tümpel, Weiher — crossing the pond = nach Amerika reisen; den Atlantik überqueren per Schiff oder Flugzeug



“Epsom band to CROSS THE POND for festival after international music competition win”

Your Local Guardian

Did you

the pond (mostly British)
noun phrase, informal

- a humorous way of referring to the Atlantic Ocean, when it is thought of as separating the UK or Europe and the US

Cambridge Dictionary


The term “The pond” can be traced back to 1640, to an exchange between Lord Finch and Secretary Windebank, close confidantes of King Charles I...

“Well met, my Lord, it seems that you have taken flight over the great Pond, pray what newes in England?”

While this marks the earliest known written record of “the Pond,” it is possible that the phrase existed in speech rather earlier than that.

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Hey Jim, what’s going on across THE POND at the moment?

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