
a duel involving three people


truel = Konflikt zwischen drei streitenden Personen, Gruppen oder Ideen



“In a superrational scenario the U.S. Election would be a TRUEL between Republicans, Democrats, and Liberals… from which three sides should walk away”

Anya Redwood — Next Tension Magazine (8th October 2022

TRUELS and strategies for survival. The players’ marksmanship, shooting order and strategies for choosing a target play a significant role in individual’s survival probability.“

Mohsen Dorraki, et al. — Scientific Reports, Volume 9, Article number: 8996 (2019)

Did you


- a conflict between three contending persons, groups or ideas



The word truel (a blend of trial and duel) was introduced in Martin Shubik’s 1964 book Game Theory and Related Approaches to Social Behavior, and independently in Richard Epstein’s 1967 book Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic.

A truel is a three-way duel - basically a deadly confrontation between three people instead of the usual two in a regular duel. Think of it as a three-way gunfight or standoff where everyone is an opponent of everyone else.

It's a term often used in game theory and probability puzzles because it creates interesting strategic scenarios. For instance, in a truel, sometimes the person who shoots worst might have the best chance of surviving because the better shooters might target each other first!


Superrationality is a decision-making technique that solves complex dilemmas such as the Mexican Standoff, the Prisoner’s Dilemma, and the TRUEL.

Superrationality assumes that players can transcend their self interests to seek an optimal solution for everyone. If all the players of a truel are superrational, they will walk away from the standoff because they realize the game is to no one’s advantage. They can see beyond the game.

Sadly, superrationality is not evidenced by history,… and neither by politics globally at the moment!

Helga & Paul Smith


battle/clash/conflict/contest of three, cross-three combat, deadly triangle, fatal threesome (triangle), final three-way, lethal lottery, mortal triangle, standoff, three-part standoff, three-person conflict, three-way battle (clash, confrontation, contest, deadly dance/duel, encounter, duel, face-off), threefold fight, triangular clash (duel, showdown, standoff), triangular, tripartite takedown, TRUEL

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“In any TRUEL,... unfortunately trust is the first casualty.”

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