it’s easy-peasy

it’s simple to do (task)


easy-peasy = kinderleicht, babyleicht



“Katy invites a group of young cooks to find out how tomatoes grow and then use them to make their own EASY PEASY pizzas.”

BBC Food

“Anyone who tells you that corporate restructuring is EASY-PEASY has never run a business.”

John Peace, CEO of British retail conglomerate GUS

Did you

adjective (informal)

very easy; presenting no difficulty at all

Collins Dictionary


A possible origin of this phrase is as an extension of a 1950s TV advertising slogan for a lemon-scented washing up liquid product called ‘Lemon Sqezy’.

Although easy-peasy is a children's expression, adults will also use it together when in a light-hearted mood.


a piece of cake, a cakewalk, like stealing candy from a baby, as easy as falling off a log, it’s child’s play, it’s kid’s stuff, like shooting fish in a barrel, as simple as ABC, as simple as 123, as easy as can be, a turkey shoot, it’s a picnic, it’s plain sailing, duck soup

In the field of linguistics, EASY-PEASY is an example of what is called 'rhyming reduplication', of which English contains many. Without context, would you have recognized these?

Postage Stamp - Lickie Stickie
Defibrillator - Hearty Starty
Bumble Bee - Fuzzy Buzzy
Pregnancy Test - Maybe Baby
Bra - Breastie Nestie
Fork - Stabby Grabby
Socks - Feetie Heatie
Hippo - Floatie Bloatie
Nightmare - Screamy Dreamy
Self Isolation - Lonely Homely
Thong - Peeky Cheekie
Fans - Spinny Windies
Chocolate - Easy Pleasy


Andrzej Kollataj “Reduplication in English Rhyming Slang”
Iwona Piechnik “Reduplicative Syllables in Romance Languages”

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