cat's pyjamas

something which is really great


the cat's pyjamas (pajamas) = etw. großartig, klasse, prima, toll



This month, the author of over 30 magnificent works adds another wonderful collection of short stories to his list of accomplishments.

THE CAT'S PAJAMAS is a collection of twenty-two pieces spanning six decades. For the Bradbury fan there are the familiar characters of space travelers, wide-eyed children, small town folk and strange happenings.

THE CAT'S PAJAMAS - Ray Bradbury
Fiction/Short Stories ISBN: 006058565X

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cat's pyjamas (pajamas = US spelling)

Something (or someone) considered to be really outstanding

The term "cat's pyjamas" comes from E.B. Katz, an English tailor of the late 1700's and early 1800's, who made the finest silk pyjamas for royalty and other wealth patrons.  "Nothing like a cat nap in Kat'z pyjamas."

from the book, "Cats out of the Bag" compiled by Terry, Don and Ken Beck)

Here are 13 more similar and bizarre English expressions which were used in the 1920's as synonyms for "great":

the eel's ankle
the flea's eyebrows
the clam's garter
the snake's hips
the elephant's instep
the kipper's knickers
the canary's tusks
the sardine's whiskers
the duck's quack
the bullfrog's beard
the cuckoo's chin
the leopard's stripes
the tiger's spots

The above phrases are now obscure, but three have survived until 2006:

the bee's knees, the cat's whiskers, the cat's pyjama's

IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS TODAY (and maybe your boss)
say something like:

"I really must say we are very lucky having Peter as department head, he's the cat's pyjamas"

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