by the short hairs

to have complete control over someone


wörtlich: an den Schamhaaren ziehen jdm fest im Griff haben



"If Clinton had suggested aid to Russia, the howls would have come thundering down from the conservatives. "He's throwing money down a sinkhole." Jesse Helms would have said, and he would have had a lot of conservatives aping those sentiments. Where is the alleluia chorus now? They are quiet, because Bush is a conservative Republican. Putin doesn't have to trade with China anymore, he's got the cash cow US by the short hairs."

(Richard Prasad,, July 27, 2001)

Did you

Did you know?

This amazing idiom describes exactly how uncomfortable a person would feel being under the complete control of someone else.

You may also hear the phrase "by the short and curlies" which means the same thing.

Here are a few other "hair" phrases:

hairy = angsteinjagend, beängstigend

my hair stood on end = Die Haare standen mir zu Berge.

bad hair day [coll.] = Tag, an dem alles schiefgeht
parting (of the hair) = der Scheitel

by a hair's breadth = um Haaresbreite

without turning a hair = ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken

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