butter up

to over-praise, over-compliment someone


jmdm. Honig ums Maul schmieren, jmdm. Honig um den Bart schmieren



"In recent years, defense contractors have poured millions of dollars into a Washington, D.C., think tank called the Center for Security Policy. The center gets up to 35% of its budget from defense contractors, has spent large sums on "issue advertising" in the Washington area, and has BUTTERED UP Republicans in Congress."

(Editorial - Denver Post - July 13 2000)

Did you

Did you know?

To butter up means to flatter someone in order to try to get their favour or friendship - this idiom is almost always used negatively.

Note these other two common "butter" idioms:

Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth = Sie sieht aus, als koenne sie kein Waesserchen trueben.

He knows which side his bread is buttered on = Er weiß wo der Bartel den Most holt.

Bread-and-butter lines = die Haupt -geschaefte, -produkte.

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