blue movie

an indecent or pornographic film





"In an interview with the BBC, Mr Choudhury said that the sale of pornographic videos, VCDs and DVDs was offensive to most people in Bangladesh... he said that drastic legal measures will be taken against sellers of such material. But Mr Choudhury faces an uphill battle. BLUE MOVIES are freely available in some of Dhaka's smartest shopping plazas."

(BBC News Online - 25th march, 2002)

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Historical Note:

The word "blue" became a euphemism for "indecent" in the early nineteenth century. David Meeker of the British Film Institute explains: "Travellers returning from the Far East reported that Chinese brothels (Bordell) were painted blue so they could easily be identified." By 1864 the term was in common usage.

Cultural Note:

"Other countries use different colours for steamy films," adds Meeker. "In Spain and some South American countries they are GREEN because that is the colour of the censor's certificate. In Italy they are RED because of the association with red-light districts.

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